Category: Poetry

I’ve Been Reading Poetry

Historically, I was captured into 19th century poetry by my mother, who forced me to memorize all of Longfellow’s poem Evangeline.  (Btw, I will be one of several readers of that poem in an event at the chapel at Mount Auburn Cemetery on February 24, so let me know...

Global Update/Where Have I Been?

Good question as I have not posted since last summer’s end.  It has been a busy time although you did not know it–until now. Prose: Amazon and B&N carry my seven published books of which two are prose: Noir Ain’t the Half of It is a collection of short...

Cold Death

The other day was cold and windy.  The other day an old friend was buried.  I do not know which is worse: to be buried in the cold of winter when everything else is dead, or in the heat of summer when the greenery of life makes stark contrast. ...

A Poem for a Cloudy Day

I don’t know why I have delayed doing anything with this particular poem; probably because it is more of a ramble without real focus and perhaps not a poem at all so much as a diary entry.  I have, frankly, reduced the text and broken this into two poems,...

About Time and Space

My daughter recently pointed me to an article by an MIT professor discussing the possibility of actually finding life on a different planet.  That article triggered a poem set forth below; I did forward the poem to Professor Lightman who, it turns out, is himself a published poet.  While...

Are You Thirsty?

Below is a poem for the thirsty among us.  Whenever you are depressed by the news–that is to say, daily I suspect– and need some inspiration as to what you might imbibe, I suggest tequila.  I have been getting into the stuff after decades of, basically, wine only. However...

All About Life Poem

Take a look at the below poem.  It was accepted by and published in Ibbetson Street’s June issue.  Ibbetson is the leading locally based poetry magazine (this is my fifth inclusion I think in this magazine, published by local poetry guru Doug Holder; if you like poetry you can...

Reading Poetry in Paris

Posts during July will be few and far between as I am spending the month in Paris and am frantically trying to get all of it into four short weeks; I know it sounds like a long vacation, but there are so many smaller great museums and restaurants, and...

The Will-A Poem

Loyal followers of my blogs have discovered a translation of a will signed in 1745 on Olde Cape Codd.  (If you missed it, please take a look  in the list of Blogs for “Where There’s a Will There’s a Way”).  The below poem was inspired by my image of...

A Poem about Ukraine

Fires/March 2022 I piled the wood carefully over paper and kindling,cross-hatched and balanced, with proper space between logs,made sure the flue was open,gently touched the edge of my match at bottomwatched dark smoke and burning shards of newsprint flutter upwardthen catch of the wood and sudden flash of yellow...

American Litanies/December 2021

They came looking for us, unaware of Eric the Red deSoto and da Gama  Raleigh and Hudson Drake and de Leon Magellan and Verrazzano Champlain, Cabrillo, Cartier, Cabot and Coronado  clueless Columbus his statues now defaced with red paint, broken noses on the ground seeking those who trudged the...
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