American Litanies/December 2021

They came looking for us, unaware of Eric the Red

deSoto and da Gama

 Raleigh and Hudson

Drake and de Leon

Magellan and Verrazzano

Champlain, Cabrillo, Cartier, Cabot and Coronado 

clueless Columbus

his statues now defaced with red paint, broken noses on the ground

seeking those who trudged the land bridge looking for a home.

Now they speak

         French in the South

         Inuit in the North

         Spanish, Chinese, Creole, Italian, German and everything else in the cities–

         but only “American” on the Plains.

They grow

         fruits in the West

         grains in the Middle

         liberals in the East

         data sets on the coasts

         microbes in the labs

         hate everywhere.

They claim to be

         democrats, demagogues, demi-gods 

republicans, replicants

pedants, pedophiles

professors, professers

         atheists galore:




                  Bhuddists, Confucians, Zens, who can keep track

                  all confused, confounded, co-opted and conned.

They devour what they produce by 

labor and lust 

genius and greed, 

power and perversion

hubris and history.

They slay their victims, and all are victims

         kids and killers

         tots and tyrants

         students and scholars

         sinners and sinned against

         marchers and misogynists

         whores and holies

         white, black, brown, yellow, mulatto, tan, bronze

         a palette of death.

And the killers are given

         a skate

         an escape

         an injection

         the gas

         a book contract

         a white pointy hood with a militia T-shirt

         an AK-47 with inscribed golden stock

         to boast on the dark web.

They sing of

         starred banners

         spacious skies

Abraham and Jesus

death and destruction

race and riot

peace and prosperity

rhythm and rap

blues and bitterness

usually out of tune, often alone.

They write

         tracts and tirades

         poems and porn

         screeds and sophistries seething with

         wrath and resurrection

         flowers and fears

love and hate 

         revenge and revelation

revival and retrenchment

todays, tomorrows and, most often, imagined yesterdays.

They are

         shot or sick

         shot and sick

vaxxed or vexed 

deniers dying

home-bound or hell-bent

young and uncaring

old and cowering

black and suspicious

democrats demanding

republicans rebelling

plane passengers punching

sick and tired and tired of sickness

seeking to regain their normal

not knowing that in the history of this world

what is normal is today.

They are this poet, this reader, this listener

in this moment and space

all sighing and saying it is for good or for ill

all knowing it is for a curse or a blessing

depending on where you have been placed by unseen hands.

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