Are You Thirsty?

Below is a poem for the thirsty among us.  Whenever you are depressed by the news–that is to say, daily I suspect– and need some inspiration as to what you might imbibe, I suggest tequila.  I have been getting into the stuff after decades of, basically, wine only.

However the real message here is: you can write a poem about damned near anything.  The below poem is included, along with about a hundred others, in a collection now in edit entitled Burn-Out.  This book will publish at end of this year or very first part of next year.  Meanwhile, here is a (nonserious) simpler.


There is a song with that title

and everyone knows it

but the only word sung is


That makes sense because

after all

what the hell IS it

and how do they get the cactus needles out of the bottle?

Why do liquor stores have to carry limes?

Why do anti-Semites stock Kosher salt?

Why does it go down so smooth

and mess with you in the morning?

Had some friends over

chips and salsa

70s music in the background

someone brought fruit salad which is a new pairing….

Tequila with a beer chaser!

Tequila with a Macon Villages chaser!

Tequila with a cigar chaser when everyone went home

with the wrong coats and too much tequila.

You can get Tequila on You Tube for free—

why still only one word?

Too drunk to think up another?

Who can remember?

Why am now I telling you one of my favorite throwaway lines:
“If you want to soar with the Eagles

you gotta learn to shit from the sky”?

Those of you who got it, bravo—

I woke up to a Tequila Sunrise this morning

and my woman was not there—again.

“Took another shot of courage”

but tequila in the morning is not recommended—trust me.

You may not find this poem very poetic but, then,

who’s to say?

Not you, you’re likely hung over.

But not as badly as me….


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