Something Novel About My Novel

For months I have been promising announcement of my seventh book, a novel entitled EVENT.  It was hoped for a Spring birth but it isn’t going to make it– well, perhaps but not likely.  A final read by my final reader resulted in a two hour phone call explaining my failures: lack of clarity of time line, lack of identify of some characters when they reappear later in the narrative, and one very interesting (to me) observation: in the portion of the novel where the US military is involved (this is an international spy thriller), I may have gotten the details of the different services and their home bases correct, but I was insensitive to how folks in the military actually address each other, and the requisite formality of that process.

Back to rewrite!

That is what you get when your reader turns out to be a woman who was actually in the Air Force.   Dammit!

Of course discipline in a long piece such as a novel is different than in a poem or short story; you do not have to worry about your reader losing their way in a short effort.  When you get into a few hundred pages, it’s different.

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