Announcing a New Book of Poetry

I am excited to announce the publication of my newest (fifth) book of poetry, entitle Burn-Out.  The volume of almost 200 pages contains  poetry written during the two years ending August, 2022.  The prompts for this work are the terrible state of the world (war, pestilence, loss of hope) and the poetic effort to come to terms with this reality.

The best way to obtain a copy is at Amazon (search by title or by Stephen M. Honig).  Please give it a try and feel free to send me your thoughts at  [email protected].

I would be remiss if I did not point out the cover photo of a natural cloud formation over Paris, which I photographed and sent to my son Peter for processing (you can google his photography — search Peter Honig photographer).  I just love the picture and am having a copy in very large format framed for my house.  Looks like a mushroom cloud….

And finally, the book is dedicated to “the poet called Choo” who happens to be my youngest son, Matthew.  Earlier this year I was reading poetry at the Cantab Lounge in Central Square, Cambridge, and Matthew surprised me by signing up for the open mike and reading a work of his own.  Pretty cool….

(Note: slated for early next year is my first published novel– I don’t have time for much else other than publishing but it’s quite a rush!)

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